2022 Coordination Segment
At the inaugural coordination segment on 3-4 February 2022, ECOSOC built on the work of its subsidiary bodies and the UN system to develop guidance on policies and international cooperation. The Council provided direction for the work of ECOSOC and these bodies and entities in the following months and improve coordination in support of the integrated implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The Council also provided recommendations on the follow-up to the 2021 Ministerial Declaration of ECOSOC and the high-level political forum on sustainable development.
High-level participation by Chairs of ECOSOC functional commissions and expert bodies, Executive Secretaries of the regional commissions, and Heads of UN system entities, including specialized agencies, gave visibility to their work and enabled ECOSOC members to engage in a high-level policy dialogue. An informal note informed the discussions at the Coordination Segment. A non-negotiated factual summary will be prepared by the President of ECOSOC in consultation with the Bureau of the ECOSOC to reflect discussions during the Coordination Segment as well as the strategic proposals made during the Coordination Segment, along with the discussion of ECOSOC Partnership Forum held the previous day.