70th session (18-19 April 2023), Geneva. Theme: Digital and Green Transformations for Sustainable Development in the Region of the Economic Commission for Europe.
Report of the Secretary-General on regional cooperation in the economic, social and related fields [E/2023/15 and E/2023/15/Add.1; E/2023/SR.43] 15
25 July 2023
Summary of the work of the Economic Commission for Europe for the period 2022‒ 2023 [E/2023/16] 15
25 July 2023
Resolutions/decisions adopted by the Council at the 2023 Management Segment as recommended by the Commission on its 70th session [E/2023/15/Add.1, chap. I, sect. B; and E/2023/SR.43] 15
25 July 2023
E/RES/2023/18: Best Practice Guidance for Effective Management of Coal Mine Methane at National Level: Monitoring, Reporting, Verification and Mitigation
E/RES/2023/19: United Nations Resource Management System Principles and Requirements
E/RES/2023/20: Request to strengthen the role of the secretariat of the Economic Commission of Europe in supporting member States in building resilient energy systems and modernizing resource management systems [Oral statement]
E/RES/2023/21: Implementation of the rapid response mechanism for the protection of environmental defenders under the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention) (Draft resolution IV) [Oral statement]
Related resolutions/decisions considered by the Council at the 2023 Management Segment [E/2023/SR.43] 15
25 July 2023
Request to defer action on draft resolution IV of UNECE, contained in E/2023/15/Add.1, according to Rule 50 [recorded vote]
Further resolutions/decisions adopted by UNECE on its 70th session [E/2023/15/Add.1, chap. II, sect. C]:
Decision A (70): Economic and social effects of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine
Decision B (70): Digital and green transformations in support of the sustainable development in the region of the Economic Commission for Europe
Decision C (70): Promotion of circular economy and the sustainable use of natural resources
Decision D (70): Extension of the mandate of the Regional Forum on Sustainable Development
Decision E (70): Building resilient energy systems
Decision F (70): Decision to study finance for energy-related climate change activities in the region of the Economic Commission for Europe, particularly related to critical raw materials
Decision K (70): Matters related to sustainable transport and mobility
Further resources: