What is the mandate of the Economic and Social Council?
The functions and powers of the Economic and Social Council are stipulated in Chapter X of the Charter of the United Nations. The complete text of the UN Charter is accessible here.
How is the work of the Economic and Social Council organized?
The Council holds several short sessions and many preparatory meetings, round tables and panel discussions with the members of civil society throughout the year, to deal with the organization of its work. It holds a High-level, Coordination, Operational Activities, Humanitarian Affairs Segments and the Management Segment. At the High-level Segment, national cabinet ministers and chiefs of international agencies and other high officials discuss major economic, social and environmental policy issues. The High-level Political Forum provides political leadership, guidance and recommendations for sustainable development, and reviews progress in implementing sustainable development commitments. A Ministerial declaration is generally adopted on the theme of the High-level Segment and High-level Political Forum, which provides policy guidance and recommendations for action. The official languages of the Economic and Social Council are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. The year-round work of the Council is carried out in its subsidiary and related bodies.
Where can I find the current membership?
ECOSOC has 54 member Governments which are elected for three-year terms by the General Assembly. Seats on the Council are allotted based on geographical representation with fourteen allocated to African States, eleven to Asian States, six to Eastern European States, ten to Latin American and Caribbean States, and thirteen to Western European and other States. The current membership is posted at the ECOSOC Members page.
Who is the President of the Economic and Social Council?
The presidency changes every year at the ECOSOC’s first organizational session. Information about the current President, Bob Rae (Canada) is posted at the ECOSOC President's page.
What is the composition of the ECOSOC Bureau?
The Bureau of ECOSOC includes one Government from each of five world regions – Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, East Europe, and West Europe and the other developed countries. Each year, a representative from a different region is chosen to head the Council as its President. Information about the Bureau for the 2025 Cycle is posted.
Who has been President in the Past?
From 1946 to 2023, the Economic and Social Council has elected 80 Presidents.
Where can I find the rules of procedure?
The rules of procedure are posted online.
Where can I find information about subsidiary bodies of the Economic and Social Council?
Information about subsidiary bodies (e. g., ECOSOC Functional Commissions, ECOSOC Regional Commissions, ECOSOC Standing Committees) is posted.
Where can I find the press releases and meetings coverage of ECOSOC?
ECOSOC press releases and meetings coverage are available on the UN website.
Where can I find the ECOSOC resolutions, decisions and reports?
The ECOSOC resolutions and decisions are posted. The ECOSOC reports are also posted. Other official documents could be found on the Official Document System of the United Nations (ODS).
How to understand the United Nations documents symbols?
Information on United Nations documents symbols is available.
How to obtain NGOs consultative status with ECOSOC?
The Council consults with civil society groups – including non-governmental organizations and the private sector and is the main body that recommends consultative status to NGOs. Over 5,100 NGOs from around the world now enjoy consultative status with ECOSOC. The organizations are allowed to participate, present written contribution and make statements to the Council and its subsidiary bodies. Information about NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC is available.