The 2021 ECOSOC operational activities for development segment was held from 18 to 20 May 2021.
Theme: Amplifying the United Nations development system’s impact in support of the Decade of Action
- Vice President’s Summary/Key Messages emanating from the discussions
- Draft Programme
- Technical Guidance
Substantive Documentation
- 2021 Secretary General’s Report on the implementation of the QCPR
- 2021 Secretary-General’s Report on the implementation of the QCPR (advance unedited documentation)
- 2021 Secretary-General’s Report on the implementation of the QCPR (Official document-ODS version)
- Addendum 1: Funding analysis
- Annex 1: QCPR Monitoring and Reporting Framework
- 2021 SG’s Report: Technical annexes and notes
- 2021 Report of the Chair of the UNSDG on the Development Coordination Office
- 2021 Report of the Chair of the UNSDG on the Development Coordination Office (advance unedited documentation)
- Official document (ODS version); UNSDG layout; Interactive online summary
- General Debate
- Session 1 – Dialogue with the Secretary-General:
- Opening remarks by H.E. Munir Akram, President of ECOSOC
- Special keynote address by H. E. Mr. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations
- G77; CANZ; Like-Minded Group of MICs; AOSIS;
- Bangladesh; China; Cuba; Fiji; India; Indonesia; Japan; Rep. of Korea; Mexico; Morocco; Norway; Portugal; Russian Federation; United Kingdom; United States;
- Session 2 – Report of the Chair of UNSDG on DCO and the new RC system:
- Opening remarks H.E. Sergiy Kyslytsya, Vice-President of ECOSOC
- Opening statement by H.E. Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, and Chair of the UNSDG
- Switzerland (on behalf of CAN, EU and its members, Iceland, Norway, Rep. of Korea, UK, US and Switzerland)
- Cuba; Finland; Germany; Rep. of Korea; Mexico; Norway; United Kingdom; United States
- Session 3 – Dialogue with programme country governments, RCs and UNCT members (Part 1)
- Session 4 – Dialogue with Executive Heads of UNDS
- Session 5 – Funding Compact
- Session 6 - Responding to needs and priorities of countries serviced by MCOs
- Session 7 -Dialogue with RCs (part 2)
- Session 8 – Unleashing the UNDS’ regional assets
- Session 9 – Joining forces with IFIs
- Session 10 - Closing
Recorded Videos of Sessions
- Session 1 (Opening & Dialogue with Secretary-General)
- Session 2 (DCO report)
- Session 3 (Dialogue with RCs, Governments and UNCTs – Part 1)
- Session 4 (Dialogue with Heads of Agencies)
- Session 5 (Funding Compact) and Session 6 (Responding to needs and priorities of countries served by MCOs)
- Session 7 (Dialogue with RCs – Part 2)
- Session 8 (Regional assets)
- Session 9 (Joining forces with IFIs) and Session 10 (Closing)
The 2022 ECOSOC OAS will be held from 17 to 19 May 2022