His Excellency Frederick Musiiwa Makamure Shava was elected the President of the 2017 session (July 2016 to July 2017) of the Economic and Social Council on 28 July 2016. Ambassador Frederick Shava is the seventy-second President of the Council. Ambassador Shava is currently the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Zimbabwe to the United Nations in New York.
Until his appointment in 2014, he was Ambassador to China since 2007. From 2003 to 2004, Ambassador Shava was a consultant on Zimbabwe’s Parliamentary reform. As an elected official, he was Minister of State for Political Affairs in 1987 and Minister of Labour, Manpower Planning and Development from 1981 to 1986. Mr. Shava holds a Doctor of Philosophy and a Master of Philosophy in parasitology from Royal Holloway College; a Master of Science in nematology from Imperial College; and a Bachelor of Science in biology from University of Zimbabwe.
- Statements
- Remarks at the Organizational Session of ECOSOC, 27 July 2017
- Closing of the 2017 High-level Segment, 20 July 2017
- Closing remarks at the 2017 High-level Political Forum, 19 July 2017
- Opening remarks at the SDG Business Forum, 18 July 2017
- Remarks at the High-level luncheon on “Investing in adolescents and youth to eradicate poverty and promote prosperity to realize the demographic dividend and achieve the 2030 Agenda”, 17 July 2017
- Opening Statement at the High-level Segment of ECOSOC and Ministerial Segment of HLPF, 17 July 2017
- Opening Remarks at the High-Level Political Forum, UN Headquarters, 10 July 2017
- Remarks at the Forum on Agriculture, 6 July 2017
- Opening Remarks at the Joint Meeting of the ECOSOC and the PBC on the Situation in the Sahel, UN Headquarters, 28 June 2017
- Remarks at the Astana Economic Forum, Roundtable on "The Role of G-Global in Promoting Global Initiatives for Sustainable Development", 16 June 2017
- Remarks at the Astana Economic Forum, "New Energy - New Economy", 15 June 2017
- Closing Statement at Special Meeting of ECOSOC on “Innovations for Infrastructure Development and Promoting Sustainable Industrialisation”, UN Headquarters, 31 May 2017
- Opening Statement at Special Meeting of ECOSOC on “Innovations for Infrastructure Development and Promoting Sustainable Industrialisation”, UN Headquarters, 31 May 2017
- Closing remarks, ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development follow-up, 25 May 2017
- Presenting the Work of the Development Cooperation Forum to the ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development - New York, 25 May 2017
- Closing remarks, ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development follow-up, Ministerial Roundtables - 23 May 2017
- Opening remarks, ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development follow-up, Ministerial Roundtables - 23 May 2017
- Opening remarks, ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development follow-up, Interactive dialogue with intergovernmental bodies of major institutional stakeholder, 22 May 2017
- Opening remarks, ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development follow-up, 22 May 2017
- Remarks at High-Level Panel on “Women in Innovation and Connectivity: The Role of the Private Sector” UN Headquarters, 15 May 2017
- Closing remarks at the global experts meeting on Agriculture and Agro-industries Development - Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 26 April 2017
- Opening remarks at the global experts meeting on Agriculture and Agro-industries Development - Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 24 April 2017
- Opening remarks at the 2017 ECOSOC Partnership Forum - 5 April 2017
- Opening Remarks at the 2017 Commission for Social Development - 1 February 2017
- Closing Remarks at the 2017 ECOSOC Youth Forum - 31 January 2017
- Opening Remarks at the 2017 ECOSOC Youth Forum - 30 January 2017
- Remarks at the High-Level Dialogue on "Building Sustainable Peace for All: Synergies between the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustaining Peace" - 24 January 2017
- Statement on The Brainstorming Session on “Responsible Governance, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation for Progress and Sustainable Development” - 23 January 2017
- Statement - High-level Event on “Leveraging Partnerships for the Effective Implementation and Monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2063 in Africa” - 13 October 2016
- Remarks on the occasion of the Dialogue on the “CBN Report on De-risking Infrastructure and PIDA Projects in Africa” - 12 October 2016
- Opening Remarks at the Joint Meeting of the Economic and Social Council And The General Assembly’s Second Committee - 07 October 2016
- Opening Statement - Organizational Session - 28 July 2016