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The NGO Branch, at the office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination in UN DESA, cordially invites all NGOs for a Webinar event on 7 December 2016, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m (Eastern Standard Time).  What will be discussed: Available platforms to…
Nairobi, Kenya
Participants discussed innovative ways to engage parliamentarians and citizens in strengthening domestic and mutual accountability in development cooperation at a side event organized by UNDESA, Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the Association of…
New York
Conference Room 4, UN Headquarters, New York
Date: Friday, 7 October 2016Time: 10:00 - 13:00 Location: Conference Room 4, UN Headquarters, New YorkWatch herePublic sentiment towards globalization appears to be undergoing a deep transformation. Increasingly across the globe, and across the…
New York
New York
New York
New York
New York
The organizational session of the Economic and Social Council for the period July 2016 to July 2017 will be held on Thursday, 28 July 2016, at 10 AM in the Economic and Social Council Chamber.  The Council will elect the Bureau for its 2017…
New York
The Coordination and Management Meeting (CMM) is integral to ECOSOC’s coordinating role at the heart of the UN development system. Held throughout the year, the Council reviews and approves the latest reports from ECOSOC subsidiary and expert bodies…
ECOSOC Chamber, NY
The fifth biennial High-level Meeting of the Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) will focus on the importance and tremendous potential of development cooperation as a lever for effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development…
New York
Blended finance mechanisms can enhance development cooperation, but these opportunities vary by sector and by country. When are blended financing mechanisms appropriate, how are they best used, and what risks need to be managed?This was the focus of…
New York
WHAT? The 2016 High-level segment of ECOSOC was chaired by Ambassador Oh Joon, President of ECOSOC.  It represented the culmination of ECOSOC’s 2015-2016 cycle, and addressed the Council’s overall annual theme, “Implementing the post-2015…
New York
Специальное мероприятиеНа мероприятии, посвященном 70-й годовщине ЭКОСОС, соберутся ключевые фигуры и другие заинтересованные стороны, участвующие — или участвовавшие в прошлом — в работе ЭКОСОС, чтобы отметить усилия ЭКОСОС в поддержку трех…
New York
POURQUOI ?La commémoration du 70e anniversaire du Conseil économique et social réunira rassemblera les chiffres clés et les parties prenantes de l’ancien et actuel Conseil pour marquer 70 ans d'efforts à l'appui des trois aspects  du…
New York
¿QUÉ?La conmemoración del 70º aniversario de ECOSOC reunirá a figuras clave y actores del pasado y del presente del Consejo para celebrar los esfuerzos de este órgano en apoyo de las tres dimensiones del desarrollo sostenible: el económico, el…
New York
Informal summaryJanuary 2016 marks the 70th anniversary of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).  Since its first meeting in London in 1946, under the inaugural Presidency of Sir Ramaswami Mudaliar of India, ECOSOC has served as…
New York
About the HLPF? The High-level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development is the United Nations central platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, adopted at the…
New York
Informal summaryJanuary 2016 marks the 70th anniversary of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).  Since its first meeting in London in 1946, under the inaugural Presidency of Sir Ramaswami Mudaliar of India, ECOSOC has served as…
New York
Information about "UN Women Executive Board, annual session"
New York
Please visit ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment 2016WHAT?The ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment (HAS) provides a unique opportunity for Member States, United Nations entities, humanitarian and development partners, the private sector and affected…
New York
DOCUMENTSSummaryProgrammeConcept noteWHAT?The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) organized a Joint Meeting on the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustaining Peace” on Friday, 24 June 2016 from 10…
New York
New York
New York
The Coordination and Management Meeting (CMM) is integral to ECOSOC’s coordinating role at the heart of the UN development system. Held throughout the year, the Council reviews and approves the latest reports from ECOSOC subsidiary and expert bodies…
New York
The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations is a standing committee of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), established by the Council in 1946. It reports directly to ECOSOC, and the two reports of its annual regular session (usually at the…
New York
New York
The 15th Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues on the theme, "Indigenous peoples: conflict, peace and resolution” will take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 9 to 20 May 2016. The United Nations Permanent Forum…
New York
The Economic and Social Council convened a Special Meeting on the impacts of the 2015/16 El Niño phenomenon at the request of the General Assembly (A/RES/70/110) on 6 May 2016. The meeting provided an opportunity to receive an update on the  …
New York
WHAT?The 2016 Integration Segment of ECOSOC was chaired by His Excellency Ambassador Sven Jürgenson, Vice-President of ECOSOC (Estonia). The 2016 Integration Segment addressed the theme “Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development…
New York
The inaugural ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development (FfD) follow-up took place from 18 to 20 April 2016 in the Trusteeship Council Chamber at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The Forum included the Special high-level meeting of the…
New York
New York
Brussels, Belgium
The DCF Belgium High-level Symposium looked to demonstrate how development cooperation actors can embrace the new reality of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, with a focus on country-level…
New York
The Coordination and Management Meetings (CMM) will take place at United Nations Headquarters on 4-6 April, 1-3 June and 25-27 July 2016. The CMM have thee main functions: The review of the reports of the Council’s subsidiary and expert bodies;…
New York
The 2016 ECOSOC Partnership Forum, “From commitments to results: Leveraging partnerships for the 2030 Agenda” will take place at United Nations Headquarters on 31 March 2016. The Forum will consider concrete ways in which multi-stakeholder…
New York
WHAT? Inequality is a social, economic and political challenge and has profound impact on sustainable development. It features prominently in the recently adopted 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, resulting in the creation of a stand-alone…
New York
New York
New York
New York
WHAT? The 2016 e-Discussion is taking place from 29 February to 25 March. The discussion will address specific aspects of the 2016 ECOSOC theme of “Implementing the post-2015 development agenda: moving from commitments to results”. Participants may…
New York
How can we use the leverage of development cooperation to ensure integrated SDG implementation? What are key opportunities and challenges in adjusting development cooperation for implementing the SDGs? Development cooperation takes many forms –…
New York
The 2016 ECOSOC operational activities for development segment took place on 22-24 February 2016 at UN Headquarters in New York.  An important objective of the segment was to review progress and lessons learned in the implementation of General…
New York
The President of the Economic and Social Council (Republic of Korea) convened a briefing on the Zika virus on 16 February 2016. The Council was briefed by the World Health Organization (WHO) Office at the United Nations (New York), the Pan American…
New York
New York
New York
New York
New York
New York