ECOSOC Partnerships Forum

Every year at the Partnership Forum, ECOSOC and other UN entities collaborate to bring together some of the most influential leaders from government, the private and non-profit sectors, and civil society. They share the latest innovations on how partnerships can best advance international development. 

The Forum broadens the range of people engaging with ECOSOC. It promotes concrete measures for different groups to work together to achieve the 2030 Avenda for Sustainable Development. Past sessions have covered topics such as more and better jobs of young people, innovative solutions for sustainable development and the contribution of partnerships to the internationally agreed development goals, including the sustainable development goals.


Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton, Founder of the Clinton Foundation and former President of the United States, delivers the keynote address at the 2015 Partnerships Forum of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) on the theme, “The role of partnerships in achieving the post-2015 development agenda: Making it happen”. UN Photo/Rick Bajornas