In the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Heads of State and Government recognized that fostering inclusive societies based on strong and transparent institutions is an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. To explore further…
Blended financing and LDCs: Implications and opportunities for strengthening broad-based country ownership and leadership
The DCF Side Event provided an opportunity for a deep dive into blended financing – ways to advance effective policy and…
New York
Official Summary of the 2018 DCF (E/2018/73) [Arabic / Chinese / English / French / Russian / Spanish] Glossy Summary of the 2018 DCF [Arabic / Chinese / English / French / Russian / Spanish]Your feedback on the organization of the meeting is…
WHAT?The 2018 Integration Segment of ECOSOC will be chaired by His Excellency Mr. Mahmadamin Mahmadaminov, Vice-President of ECOSOC (Tajikistan). The Segment will address the theme “Innovative communities: leveraging technology and innovation to…