Blended financing and LDCs: Implications and opportunities for strengthening broad-based country ownership and leadership
The DCF Side Event provided an opportunity for a deep dive into blended financing – ways to advance effective policy and practice. Discussion focused around three questions:
- How to structure and use blended financing to secure and not undermine country ownership and leadership?
- How to incentivize development financing institutions and other major actors in blended financing to align blended finance with country priorities and the 2030 Agenda?
- How to ensure that project approval processes for blended finance projects are guided by principles of effective development cooperation, including the principle of country ownership and leadership?
The meeting was held on the margins of the 2018 High-level Meeting of the Development Cooperation Forum (New York, 21-22 May 2018) and contributed to its outcomes. It also generated policy guidance and key messages for other platforms, including the 2018 High Level Political Forum.
The event featured presentations by Ms. Mulenga Musonda-Mulenga, Ministry of Finance, Zambia; Mr. Johan Gély, Head of Division and Head of the Global Programme Water, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Switzerland; and Mr. Jesse Griffiths, Director, Eurodad, European Network on Debt and Development.
The presentations were followed by an interactive discussion moderated by Ms. Shari Spiegel, Chief, Policy Analysis and Development Branch, Financing for Sustainable Development Office, UNDESA.
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