Vice President’s Summary/Key Messages emanating from the discussions
Draft Programme of the ECOSOC Operational Activities for development segment
Survey on the 2022 ECOSOC operational activities for development segment
Side Events
- 17 May, 1:15-2.30pm: Boosting transparency and accountability through UN INFO
Tuesday, 17 May 2022
1:15–2:30pm (EDT, GMT-4)
Hybrid (Conference Room 12 UNHQ and WebEx)
Co-hosted by the Permanent Missions of Cabo Verde and Switzerland to the UN and the UN Development Coordination Office
Boosting transparency and accountability through UN INFO
In the historic repositioning of the UN development system through General Assembly resolution 72/279, Member States called for increased accountability and transparency on collective results of the UN development system.
UN INFO is part of the United Nations’ efforts to improve coherence, transparency and accountability for results. This suite of online tools tracks the collective UN Country Teams’ contributions to the SDGs, including spending, partners and beneficiaries by digitizing the UNCT Joint Workplan of the Cooperation Framework. Information is showcased on country and global websites/platforms, also playing a pivotal role for data-centered and visually compelling UN Country Team annual results reports.
The side event will showcase the potential of UN INFO by guiding through this new data portal, currently being developed, and seek further feedback from Member States on their vision for transparency and accountability of system-wide results.
1:15–2:30pm New York Time
May 17, 2022
1:15-1:17pm: Opening video
Recorded video by Jayathma Wickramanayake, SG Envoy on Youth
1:17-1:20pm: Welcoming remarks by Rosemary Kalapurakal, Deputy Director, DCO
1:20-1:30pm: Remarks by co-hosts to the event
- His Excellency Ambassador Júlio César Freire de Morais, Permanent Representative of Cabo Verde to the United Nations
- Mr. Adrian Dominik Hauri, Deputy Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the United Nations
1:30-1:55pm: Panel discussion
Moderator and introduction by: Rosemary Kalapurakal, Deputy Director, DCO
- Ana Patrícia Graça, UN Resident Coordinator in Cabo Verde
- Gopal Mitra, Senior Social Affairs Officer, EOSG Disability Inclusion Team
1:55-2:25pm: Discussion and Q&A (30 mins)
2:25-2:30pm: Closing remarks
Event Link
- 19 May, 1:15-2:45pm: UN and USAID Partnership to Accelerate Progress on the SDGs: A Case from the Eastern and Southern Caribbean Small Island Developing States
19 May 2022
1:15–2:45pm New York Time
In-person (Conference Room 4 UNHQ) and Live Streamed on UN WebTV
Delivering on UN Development System Reform in the Eastern and southern Caribbean: UN and USAID Partnership to accelerate progress of the SDGs in SIDS
The event highlights the success and best practices associated with the significant increase in USAID’s coordination and collaboration with UN bodies and specialized agencies in order to advance both the U.S. Government's international development agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the UN Development System Reform within the Small Island Developing States across the Eastern and Southern Caribbean.
The event will demonstrate how the partnership supports the UN Development System reform and the mandate given by Member States under the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review on complex and significant development policy, program, and reform issues in the UN system. It will also highlight how the partnership supports both the UN and USAID on developing and implementing policies, programs and guidelines affecting broad, emerging, and critical support in international development goals within the SIDS related to the Eastern and Southern Caribbean and provide evidence-based results on how the partnership and collaboration is helping to achieve development objectives around economic, security, social, and environmental sectors.
1:15–2:45pm New York Time
May 19, 2022
Welcoming Remarks
- Kaymar Jordan, Moderator
Opening Remarks
- Dr. Ken Yamashita, USAID Interim Counselor
- Ambassador Rhonda King, Permanent Representative to the UN of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Robert Piper, UN Assistant Secretary General for Development Coordination
Video Presentation
Panel Discussion
- Didier Trebucq, UN Resident Coordinator
- Clinton White, USAID Regional Representative
- Claudius Emmanuel, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and the Youth Economy of Saint Lucia
- Dr. Marcos Espinal, Director of the Department of Communicable Diseases and Health Analysis, PAHO
- Ugo Blanco, Deputy Resident Representative, UNDP
- Dr. Aloys Kamuragiye, Representative, UNICEF
- Regis Chapman, Representative & Country Director, WFP
- Mansfield Blackwood, Partner Country Systems (G2G) Advisor, USAID
- Sharon Ramsaran, Rule of Law Program Management Specialist, USAID
Closing Remarks
- Lisa Carty, U.S. Ambassador to the Economic and Social Council
Substantive Documentation
- 2022 Secretary General’s Report on the implementation of the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review (QCPR)
- 2022 Secretary-General’s Report on the implementation of the QCPR (advance unedited documentation, updated 9 May 2022)
- 2022 Secretary-General’s Report on the implementation of the QCPR (Official document-ODS version)
- Addendum 1: Funding analysis
- Annex 1: QCPR Monitoring and Reporting Framework
- Annex 2: Funding Compact indicators
- Technical Annexes and Background Materials
- Statistical annex on 2020 funding data
- Survey Questionnaires:
- Survey of Governments EN | FR | ES
- Survey of Resident Coordinators
- Survey of UN Country Teams
- Survey of Headquarters of UNDS entities
- 2022 Report of the UNSDG Chair on the Development Coordination Office (DCO)
- 2022 Report of the Chair of the UNSDG on the Development Coordination Office (advance unedited documentation)
- 2022 Report of the Chair of the UNSDG on the Development Coordination Office, Annex 3 on system-wide results - (advance unedited documentation)
- 2022 Report of the Chair of the UNSDG on the Development Coordination Office (UNSDG layout)
- 2022 Report of the Chair of the UNSDG on the Development Coordination Office (ODS version).
General Debate
Session 1 – Dialogue with the Secretary-General
- Opening remarks by H.E. Mr. Collen V. Kelapile, President of ECOSOC
- Remarks by H.E. Mr. Abdulla Shahid, President of 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly
- Remarks by H.E. Ms. Miia Rainne, Chargée d’Affaires of Finland to the United Nations, and ECOSOC Vice-President responsible for the Operational Activities for Development Segment
- Special keynote address by H.E. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations
- G77 and China; MICs; MIKTA countries; AOSIS; CANZ; European Union; LDCs; African Group
- Peru; Oman; Thailand; Japan; Nigeria; India; Finland; Norway; Bangladesh; Mexico; Morocco; United Kingdom; South Africa; Philippines; Egypt; Russian Federation; USA; China
Session 2 – Report of the Chair of UNSDG on DCO and the new RC system
- Opening statement by H.E. Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations and Chair of the UNSDG
- G77 and China; Cuba; Mexico; Small Island States; Armenia; Norway; Germany; Bhutan; Spain; Japan; USA; Morocco; India; Canada; Russian Federation; UK; Netherlands; Switzerland
Session 3 – Dialogue with Host Governments & RCs on social protection
- Mexico, Philippines, EU, Sweden, Canada, Brazil, Malawi
Session 4 – Regional Repositioning
- Opening statement by H.E. Amine J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations and Chair of the UNSDG
- Remarks by Ms. Olga Algayerova, Executive Secretary, UN Economic Commission for Europe and Regional Commissions Coordinator
- Remarks by Mr. Jose Samaniego, Regional Director for the Americas Bureau, UNHCR
- USA; UK; France; Canada; Mexico; Morocco; India; Egypt
Session 5 – Dialogue with Executive Heads of UNDS
Session 6 – Addressing the root causes of conflict and humanitarian crises
- Remarks by Ms. Jane Pearce, WFP Country Director, Bangladesh
- Remarks by Ms. Awa Dabo, Director for Political Affairs and Deputy Head, Peacebuilding Support Office
- UK, Germany, Sweden, Canada
Session 7 – Funding Compact
- Presentation and statement by Mr. Robert Piper, Assistant Secretary-General for Development Cooperation
- Peru, Belgium, Germany, Canada, Netherlands, Malawi, Switzerland, Sweden
Session 8 – Just Transitions: Support for LDCs, LLDCs and SIDs
- CARICOM, Lao, Antigua and Barbuda, Colombia, UK, Zimbabwe, Paraguay
Session 9 – Closing
- Mr. Liu Zhenmin, Under Secretary-General, DESA
- Closing remarks by H.E. Mr. Collen V. Kelapile, President of ECOSOC
- Closing remarks by H.E. Ms. Miia Rainne, Chargée d’Affaires of Finland to the United Nations, and ECOSOC Vice-President responsible for the Operational Activities for Development Segment
Recorded Videos of Sessions
- Opening Video by UNDCO
- Session 1 (Opening & Dialogue with the Secretary-General)
- Session 2 (DCO report)
- Session 3 (Dialogue with Host Governments & RCs on social protection)
- Session 4 (Regional Repositioning)
- Session 5 (Dialogue with UNDS Executive Heads)
- Session 6 (Addressing the root causes of conflict and humanitarian crises)
- Session 7 (Funding Compact)
- Session 8 (Just Transitions: Support for LDCs, LLDCs and SIDs) and Session 9 (Closing)