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10:00 am - 01:00 pm America/New York
ECOSOC Chamber
Date: Thursday, 29 June 2023 Time: 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Location: ECOSOC Chamber, United Nations Headquarters, New YorkThe President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), H.E. Ms. Lachezara Stoeva, and the Chair of the…
Please visit ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment 2023
The 2023 ECOSOC meeting to discuss the transition from relief to development was held on 20 June in Geneva, under the theme “Transition from relief to development: taking action to promote resilience, sustainable solutions and recovery in climate-…
The Economic and Social Council convened a special meeting on “Saving Lives: Addressing the urgent food security needs of Haiti” on 16 June 2023 at the UN Headquarters.  Food insecurity is of great concern in Haiti, where the…
The Management Segment of ECOSOC took place on 7-8 June 2023. The programme of the Management Segment meetings was structured around action that ECOSOC was expected to take on economic, social, environmental, health, and related matters, including…