Change of name

A Non-Governmental Organization in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) that wishes to change its name in the official records of the United Nations is required to submit the following information through the ICSO Correspondence page using the category "Change of name":

  1. A letter of intent on the organization's official letterhead, with the original signature of the head of the NGO, requesting the ECOSOC Committee on NGOs to acknowledge the change of the old name of the organization to the new name;
  2. Supporting documentation which should include all legal documents showing that the change of name was approved by a governmental authority in the country in which the NGO is based; and
  3. A revised Constitution/By-laws under the new name (as well as a reference to the old name).

Supporting documentation should take account of the following criteria:

  1. The document (certificate of registration) should mention both the old and the new name of the organization;
  2. The certificate with the new name must contain a signature, stamp or seal from a governmental entity. Entities other than the government are not acceptable such as public notaries, minutes of the Assembly, etc;
  3. If the certificate or registration document is in the original language, it must be translated into either English or French, the two working languages of the United Nations, and should be submitted in both versions; and
  4. The Constitution should include all the articles and amendments, and it should also refer to the change of name by mentioning the old name of the organization, as well as the new name.

Upon receipt of the message through the ICSO Correspondence page with all the required documents attached, your request will be submitted to the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations for its consideration.

Please be advised that requests for change of name received before 1 December will be reviewed during the Regular Session of the following year, while requests received before 1 April will be considered during the Resumed Session of the same year.

Please also be advised that the change of name will be officially recognized only after the report of the Committee on NGOs is adopted by ECOSOC.