The President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), H.E. Ms. Lachezara Stoeva, and the Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC), H.E. Mr. Muhammad Abdul Muhith, convened the annual joint meeting of ECOSOC and the PBC on 2 December 2022 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The theme of the joint meeting was “Peacebuilding, sustaining peace and sustainable development: Towards coherence and impact on the ground”.
In response to calls of Member States to continue enhancing UN coherence and foster greater impact on the ground, as well as strengthen the link between ECOSOC and the PBC and improve their joint meeting (GA resolution 75/290 A), the ECOSOC-PBC joint meeting represented an opportunity for the Heads of agencies, funds and programmes to brief on how they are responding, including jointly, to multidimensional challenges and are contributing to peacebuilding and sustaining peace and promoting long term development in conflict-affected contexts. Building on the work of the agencies, funds and programme in the area of peacebuilding, sustaining peace and sustainable development, the joint ECOSOC and PBC meeting aimed to advance sustainable development goals in conflict affected countries through UN coherence guided by national ownership and priorities.
The outcome of the meeting is a Joint Summary by the ECOSOC President and the PBC Chair, highlighting the main conclusions and recommendations.
- Informal Summary [New]
- Programme and Statements
- Opening remarks by President of the Economic and Social Council, H.E. Ms. Lachezara Stoeva
- Closing remarks by Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission, H.E. Mr. Muhammad Abdul Muhith
- Other statements
- Concept note
- Resources
- 2021 Joint Meeting of ECOSOC and the PBC on "Promoting Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in the context of recovery from the COVID-19"
- 2020 Joint Meeting of ECOSOC and the PBC on “Fostering global solidarity and conflict-sensitive responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and its socio-economic impact”
- 2019 Joint Meeting of ECOSOC and the PBC on “The Impact of Cross-border Transhumance on Sustainable Peace and Development in West Africa and the Sahel”
- 2018 Joint Meeting of ECOSOC and the PBC on “Linkages between Climate Change and Challenges to Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace in the Sahel”
- 2017 Joint Meeting of ECOSOC and the PBC on “The Situation in the Sahel”
- 2016 Joint Meeting of ECOSOC and the PBC on the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustaining Peace”