Report of the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development on its eighth session
54th session (11–17 May 2022), Dakar/ hybrid. Theme: Financing Africa’s recovery: breaking new ground.
Report of the Secretary-General on regional cooperation in the economic, social and related fields [E/2022/15 and E/2022/15/Add.1; E/2022/SR.33] 15
21 July 2022
Summary of the work of the Economic Commission for Africa for the period 2021‒2022 [E/2022/17] 15
21 July 2022
Resolutions/decisions adopted by ECA on its 54th session [E/2022/15/Add.1, chap. II.A):
Resolution 982 (LIV): Financing the recovery of Africa and beyond
Resolution 983 (LIV): Importance of digital transformation for breaking new ground
Resolution 984 (LIV): Role of Partnerships for African Vaccine Manufacturing in improving African health outcomes
Resolution 985 (LIV): Updated strategic directions, the medium-term programme framework (2022–2025) and the 2023 programme plan and budget
Resolution 986 (LIV): Data and statistics
Resolution 987 (LIV): Support by the Economic Commission for Africa for least developed countries in the context of the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries
Resolution 988 (LIV): Scaling up investment in transport to optimize the benefits of the African Continental Free Trade Area
Resolution 989 (LIV): Carbon certification
Resolution 990 (LIV): Curbing illicit financial flows and recovery of lost assets
Resolution 991 (LIV): Culture and heritage management programme
Decision A (LIV): Date, venue and theme of the fifty-fifth session of the Economic Commission for Africa
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