Documents/action during the 2021 session of ECOSOC

Statistical Commission input to the 2021 HLPF

52nd session (1 - 3 and 5 March 2021).  

Report of the Statistical Commission on its fifty-second session [E/2021/24]

Resolutions/decisions adopted by the Council on the 2021 Management Segment  as recommended by the Commission on its 52nd session: [E/2021/24, chap. I, sect. A; and E/2021/SR.8] 18(c) 8 June 2021

Decision 2021/224: Report of the Statistical Commission on its fifty-second session and provisional agenda and dates of the fifty-third session of the Commission

Further resolutions and decisions adopted by the Statistical Commission on its 52nd session [E/2021/24, chap. I, sect. B]:

Decision 52/101: Global indicator framework for the Sustainable Development Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 

Decision 52/102: Data and indicators for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Decision 52/103: Partnership, coordination and capacity-building for statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development     

Decision 52/104: Coordination of statistical programmes     

Decision 52/105: Economic statistics     

Decision 52/106: National accounts     

Decision 52/107: Business and trade statistics     

Decision 52/108: Environmental-economic accounting    

Decision 52/109: Migration statistics     

Decision 52/110: Regional statistical development    

Decision 52/111: Management and modernization of statistical systems

Decision 52/112: Big data     

Decision 52/113: International statistical classifications      

Decision 52/114: Household surveys  

Decision 52/115: Data and metadata presentation and dissemination   

Decision 52/116: Work programme of the Statistics Division     

Decision 52/117: Information item

Further resources:

Statistical Commission website

A new framework the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting—Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) was adopted by the UN Statistical Commission on 10 March 2021. The new framework marks a major step forward that goes beyond the commonly used statistic of gross domestic product (GDP) that has dominated economic reporting since the end of World War II. This measure would ensure that natural capital—forests, wetlands and other ecosystems—are recognized in economic reporting. (DESA website story)

Decisions of the Statistical Commission