Statistical Commission input to the 2022 HLPF
53rd session (28 February – 2 March and 4 March 2022), virtual.
Report of the Statistical Commission on its fifty-third session [E/2022/24]
Oral decision adopted by the Council at its 9th plenary meeting on the change in dates of ECOSOC subsidiary bodies during its 2022 session 2
16 February 2022
Resolutions/decisions adopted by the Council at the 2022 Management Segment as recommended by the Commission on its 53rd session [E/2022/24, chap. I, sect. A and B; and E/2022/SR.20; and E/2022/SR.20] 18(c)
8 June 2022
E/RES/2022/3: Ensuring that the work in the field of statistics and data is adaptive to the changing statistical and data ecosystem
Decision 2022/324: Report of the Statistical Commission on its fifty-third session and provisional agenda and dates of the fifty-fourth session of the Commission
Further resolutions/decisions adopted by the Statistical Commission on its 53rd session [E/2022/24, chap. I, sect. C]:
Decision 53/101: Global indicator framework for the Sustainable Development Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Decision 53/102: Data and indicators for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Decision 53/103: Partnership, coordination and capacity-building for statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Decision 53/104: Data stewardship
Decision 53/105: Working methods of the Statistical Commission
Decision 53/106: Regional statistical development
Decision 53/107: Population and housing censuses
Decision 53/108: Civil registration and vital statistics
Decision 53/109: Statelessness statistics
Decision 53/110: Human settlements statistics
Decision 53/111: Gender statistics
Decision 53/112: Health statistics
Decision 53/113: Crime statistics
Decision 53/114: Education statistics
Decision 53/115: Environmental-economic accounting
Decision 53/116: Climate change statistics
Decision 53/117: National accounts
Decision 53/118: Network of Economic Statisticians
Decision 53/119: Business and trade statistics
Decision 53/120: Information and communications technology statistics
Decision 53/121: International Comparison Programme
Decision 53/122. Agricultural and rural statistics
Decision 53/123: Informal economy statistics
Decision 53/124: Big data
Decision 53/125: International statistical classifications
Decision 53/126: Open data
Decision 53/127: Integration of statistical and geospatial information
Decision 53/128: Governance, peace and security statistics
Decision 53/129: Work programme of the Statistics Division
Decision 53/130: Information items
Further resources:
Statistical Commission website