24th session (17 - 21 May 2021). Priority theme 1: Using STI to close the gap on SDG 3, good health and well-being. Priority theme 2: Harnessing blockchain for sustainable development: prospects and challenges.
Report of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development on its twenty-sixth session [E/2021/31]
Resolutions/decisions adopted by the Council at the 2021 Management Segment as recommended by the Commission on its 24th session[E/2021/31, chap. I, sect. A and B; and E/2021/SR.13] 18(b)
22 June 2021
E/RES/2021/28: Assessment of the progress made in the implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society
E/RES/2021/29: Science, technology and innovation for development
Decision 2021/254: Extension of the mandate of the Gender Advisory Board of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development
Decision 2021/255: Participation of non-governmental organizations and civil society entities in the work of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development
Decision 2021/256: Participation of academic and technical entities in the work of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development
Decision 2021/257: Participation of business sector entities, including the private sector, in the work of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development
Decision 2021/258: Report of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development on its twenty-fourth session and provisional agenda and documentation for the twenty-fifth session of the Commission
Related resolutions/decisions adopted by the Council at the 2021 Management Segment [E/2021/L.27 and E/2021/SR.13] 18(b) 22 July 2021
E/RES/2021/30: Open-source technologies for sustainable development
Further resources
Report of the Secretary-General on the progress made in the implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society at the regional and international levels [A/76/64-E/2021/11]