2023 session (1- 5 May 2023), New York.
Report of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names on its 2023 session [E/2023/84 and E/2023/84/Corr.1]
Resolutions/decisions adopted by the Council at the 2023 Management Segment as recommended by the Group of Experts on its 2023 session [E/2023/84, chap. I, sect. A, and E/2023/84/Corr.1; and E/2023/SR.43] 18(i)
25 July 2023
Decision 2023/336: Cooperation with United Nations Maps
Decision 2023/337: World Geographical Names Database
Decision 2023/338: Report of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names on its 2023 session and provisional agenda and dates of its 2025 session
Further resolutions/decisions adopted by UNGEGN on its 2023 session [E/2023/84, chap. I, sect. B]:
Decision 3/2023/1: Report of the Chair
Decision 3/2023/2: Report of the Secretariat
Decision 3/2023/3: National reports
Decision 3/2023/4: Activities on the standardization of geographical names in Africa
Decision 3/2023/5: Monitoring and evaluation of the Strategic Plan and Programme of Work 2021–2029 and of the work of the Group of Experts
Decision 3/2023/6: Reports of the divisions
Decision 3/2023/7: National and international meetings and conferences
Decision 3/2023/8: Cooperation and liaison with other international organizations
Decision 3/2023/9: Cooperation and liaison with the Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management
Decision 3/2023/10: National and international standardization of geographical names: names collection, office treatment, national authorities, features beyond a single sovereignty and international cooperation; toponymic guidelines for map and other editors for international use
Decision 3/2023/11: Social and economic benefits, supporting sustainable development, measures taken and proposed for the implementation of resolutions
Decision 3/2023/12: Issues of publicity for the Group of Experts and funding of Group projects
Decision 3/2023/13: Toponymic education
Decision 3/2023/14: Toponymic terminology
Decision 3/2023/15: Geographical names as culture, heritage and identity, including Indigenous, minority and regional languages and multilingual issues
Decision 3/2023/16: Exonyms
Decision 3/2023/17: Report of the Secretariat – World Geographical Names Database
Decision 3/2023/18: Geographical names data management
Decision 3/2023/19: Writing systems and pronunciation
Decision 3/2023/20: Other geographical names issues
Decision 3/2023/21: Future of the Working Group on Publicity and Funding and the Working Group on Evaluation and Implementation
Decision 3/2023/22: Strengthening relationships, links and connections
Further resources: