Documents/action during the 2024 session of ECOSOC


Next session: 24th session (dates TBC), New York. 

23rd session (15–19 April 2024), New York. Theme: New governance insights to advance the SDGs and eradicate poverty. 

Report of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration on its twenty-third session [E/2024/44

Resolutions/decisions to be adopted by the Council at the 2024 Management Segment as recommended by the Committee on its 23rd session [E/2024/44, chap. I, sect. A and B]    18(f)    July 2024

Draft resolution: Report of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration on its twenty-third session

Draft decision: Dates and provisional agenda of the twenty-fourth session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration

Other matters brought to the attention of the Council by CEPA on its 22nd session [E/2024/44, chap. I, sect. C]:

Contribution of the Committee to the high-level political forum on sustainable development

Related resolutions/decisions adopted by the Council at its 9th plenary meeting [E/2024/9/Add.14]    4   14 February 2024 

Decision 2024/208: Appointment of one member to the Committee of Experts on Public Administration

Further resources:

CEPA website