Documents/action during the 2023 session of ECOSOC


CDP inputs to the 2023 HLPF 

25th session (20 – 24 February, 2023), New York.

Report of the Committee on Development Policy on its twenty-fifth session [E/2023/33

Related resolutions/decisions adopted by the Council at the 2023 Management Segment  [E/2023/L.14 and E/2023/SR.26] 18(a)   7 June 2023

E/RES/2023/10: Report of the Committee for Development Policy on its twenty-fifth session

Further decisions/recommendations adopted by CDP on its 25th session [E/2023/33, chap. I]:

Annual theme of the Council for 2023: Accelerating the recovery from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at all levels [sect. A and B]

Just transition [sect. A and B]

External debt [sect. A and B]

Voluntary National Reviews [sect. A]

Review of the recognition and use of the least developed country category by United Nations development system entities [sect. A and B]

Monitoring of countries that are graduating or have graduated from the list of least developed countries [sect. A and B]

Review of the least developed country criteria [sect. B]

Review of the work of the subsidiary bodies of the Economic and Social Council [sect. B]

Further resources:

CDP website

Areas of work of the CDP

Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5)

Comprehensive Study on the Impact of COVID-19 on the Least Developed Country Category

Joint thematic event of the GA and ECOSOC on Least Developed Countries, 18 June 2021