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At the 2008 General Segment, the Economic and Social Council reviewed the reports of its subsidiary bodies and other United Nations entities working in the economic and social fields. The subsidiary bodies include the Council's functional…
The ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment took place from 15 - 17 July 2008, providing an important forum for discussing activities and issues related to strengthening the coordination of the humanitarian system of the United Nations.At its…
The 2008 Operational Activities Segment which took take place on 11-14 July 2008 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York provided an opportunity for the Economic and Social Council to follow up on the implementation of the policy…
The 2008 coordination segment focused on the follow up to the 2007 Ministerial Declaration on “Strengthening the efforts to eradicate poverty and hunger, including through the global partnership for development”.The Segment will provide an…
The thematic debate focused on “Promoting an integrated approach to rural development in developing countries for poverty eradication and sustainable development, taking into account current challenges”. In addition to the plenary debate, two…