Permanent Representative of Finland, President of ECOSOC
Born 29 November 1945, Punkalaidun, Finland
Education LLB 1969, Helsinki University
2002 - 2003 Vice President of the Economical and Social Council of the United Nations
2000 Member of the Board; International Peace Academy
1 June 1998 Permanent Representative of Finland to the United Nations in New York
1995 Director General, Department for International Development Cooperation, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
1991 Ambassador of Finland to New Delhi, Dhaka, Colombo, Kathmandu and Thimphu
1987 Deputy Permanent Representative (Ambassador) of Finland to the United Nations Chairman of the Security Council Sanction Committee (Sanctions against Iraq; Security Council Resolution 661/90)
1986 Director, Political Department (UN sector), Ministry for Foreign Affairs
1983 Counsellor, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
1979 Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations
1977 Secretary of Section, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
1974 Second Secretary, Paris
1972 Second Secretary, London
1970 Attaché, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Hobbies music, opera, literature, swimming
- Statements
- Statement at the International Donors Conference on Haiti Washington D.C. (20 July 2004)
- Statement at the Security Council meeting on Complex Crises and United Nations Response (28 May 2004)
- Statement at the opening of the third session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (10 May 2004)
- Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations 2004 REGULAR SESSION Conference Room 1 (10 May 2004 )
- Opening statement on Informal Panel Discussion on the Reform of the Economic and Social Council (7 May 2004)
- Introductory statement on the Informal meeting to assess the Ad Hoc Advisory Groups On African Countries Emerging from Conflicts (3 May 2004)
- Statement on Commemorating ten years of freedom in South-Africa (27 April 2004)
- Closing Statement on ECOSOC Special High-Level Meeting with the Bretton Woods Institutions and the World Trade Organization (26 April 2004)
- Opening Statement on ECOSOC Special High-Level Meeting with the Bretton Woods Institutions and the World Trade Organization (26 April 2004)
- Statement on ECOSOC Meeting of the Security Council on the Role of Business in Conflict (15 April 2004)
- Closing remarks on ECOSOC high-level Segment Preparatory Meetings (17 March 2004)
- Statement at the opening of the 48th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (1 March 2004)
- COSOC high-level segment preparatory meeting closing statement (17 February 2004)
- ECOSOC high-level segment preparatory meeting opening statement (17 February 2004 )
- Opening Statement (21 January 2004)