Location: UNHQ
The 19th session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration will take place from 13 to 28 May 2020 in a virtual format. The Committee will discuss how to promote effective governance and institutional reform to accelerate delivery of the SDGs, among other matters, with particular reference to the COVID-19 pandemic response and recovery, including:
- Institutional aspects of the 2020 theme of the Economic and Social Council and the high-level political forum on sustainable development.
- Effective governance for sustainable development: putting principles into practice and reviewing outcomes.
- Government and public sector workforce of the future.
- Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies and providing access to justice for all.
- Emerging issues in public financial management and budgeting for the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Training and awareness-raising for the Sustainable Development Goals.
All documentation for the session is available online. On demand video recording is available in English through UN TV.
Should you have any further interest or questions regarding this event, please do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration at @email.