Documents/action during the 2024 session of ECOSOC

Next session: 57th session (March 2025, dates TBC), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Theme: Advancing the implementation of the Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area: proposing transformative strategic actions.

56th session (4-5 March 2024), Victoria Falls (hybrid). Theme: Bolstering financing mechanisms and policy frameworks for the transition to prosperous, just and inclusive green economies in Africa. 

Report of the Secretary-General on regional cooperation in the economic, social and related fields [E/2024/15 and E/2024/15/Add.1]   15 23 July 2024

Summary of the work of the Economic Commission for Europe for the period 2023‒2024 [E/2024/16]   15 23 July 2024 

Resolutions/decisions adopted by ECA on its 56th session [E/2024/15/Add.1, chap. II, sect. A]: 

Ministerial Statement  
Resolution 2024/1: Strengthening tax cooperation for enhanced domestic resource mobilization Resolution 2024/2: 2025 programme plan and budget   
Resolution 2024/3: Reorganization of the work of the Economic Commission for Africa   
Resolution 2024/4: Optimizing African tax regimes concerning information and communications technology for economic growth and job creation   
Decision 2024/100: Date, venue and theme of the fifty- seventh session   

Further resources:

ECA website

Regional Commissions New York Office (RCNYO)