During the upcoming ECOSOC Management Segment in June 2022, the Economic and Social Council will convene a discussion to integrate key messages from ECOSOC subsidiary bodies and the UN system on the Council’s main theme, develop action-oriented recommendations for follow-up and feed into the high-level political forum on sustainable development (as mandated by GA resolution 75/290 A).
The discussion will take place in the form of a roundtable in the morning of 9 June 2022. It is envisioned that the Council will build on the key messages of the 2022 ECOSOC Coordination Segment and elaborate on the recent outcomes of the ECOSOC functional commissions and expert bodies, as well as intergovernmental bodies of the UN entities. In addition, key messages from the contributions of the ECOSOC system to the main theme of ECOSOC and HLPF will be highlighted.
Background resources
- Note by the Secretary-General (E/HLPF/2022/4) Synthesis of voluntary submissions by functional commissions of the Economic and Social Council and other intergovernmental bodies and forums
- Summary of the 2022 ECOSOC Coordination Segment
- Inputs of ECOSOC subsidiary bodies
- Informal note for the Coordination Segment