53rd session (17 – 23 March 2021). Theme: Africa’s sustainable industrialisation and diversification in the digital era in the context of Covid-19.
Report of the Conference of Ministers on the work of its fifty-third session ENG, ARA
Report of the Secretary-General on regional cooperation in the economic, social and related fields [E/2021/15, E/2021/15/Add.1, One pager; E/2021/SR.12] 15
21 July 2021
Summary of the work of the Economic Commission for Africa, 2020-2021 [E/2021/17] 15
21 July 2021
Resolutions/decisions adopted by ECA on its 53rd session [E/2021/15/Add.1, chap. II.B]:
Resolution 972 (LIII): African Continental Free Trade Area
Resolution 973 (LIII): Data and statistics
Resolution 974 (LIII): Civil registration and vital statistics
Resolution 975 (LIII): Sustainable industrialization and diversification of Africa in the digital era in the context of the coronavirus disease pandemic
Resolution 976 (LIII): Coronavirus disease vaccines
Resolution 977 (LIII): Economic Commission for Africa support for least developed countries in the context of the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries
Resolution 978 (LIII): Vienna Programme of Action for Landlocked Developing Countries for the Decade 2014–2024
Resolution 979 (LIII): African Institute for Economic Development and Planning
Resolution 980 (LIII): Special drawing rights
Resolution 981 (LIII): 2022 programme plan and budget
Further resources: