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UNHQ – New York
The 2021 ECOSOC operational activities for development segment is scheduled to be held from 18 to 20 May 2021. More information ... 
The Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, thirtieth session, will take place on 17-21 May 2021. The Commission guides the UN in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice. It takes action through resolutions and decisions.…
UPDATE- 2021 regular session of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations Please note that due to constraints related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 regular session of the Committee on NGOs which was scheduled to be held from 18-29 January…
Information coming soon.
The Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) will organize its twenty-fourth session on 17-21 May 2021. It is the subsidiary body of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the United Nations focal point for science,…
UNHQ – New York
The sixth annual Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs (STI Forum) will be held from 4 to 5 May 2021. The Forum will be convened by the President of ECOSOC His Excellency Mr. Munir Akram who has appointed two co-…
UNHQ – New York
The ECOSOC Partnership Forum is organized annually to discuss the role of partnerships in driving sustainable development. As outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, partnerships are essential for achieving all the Sustainable…
The 2nd Session of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (3-7 May 2021) will bring together experts from the interrelated fields of geography, cartography, geospatial information, linguistics and history, to address practical and…