Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Please visit ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment 2017
The ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment (HAS) has been an essential platform for discussing the activities and issues related to strengthening the coordination of the humanitarian assistance of the United Nations. The HAS provides a key opportunity for Member States, United Nations entities, humanitarian and development partners, the private sector and affected communities to discuss emerging and pressing humanitarian issues. This year's HAS took place from 21 – 23 June in Geneva, Switzerland.
The HAS enables Member States to engage with the United Nations and non-United Nations humanitarian and development community, the private sector, affected people and other actors from a range of geographic groups on current humanitarian challenges.
The organization of the HAS included a General Debate, including the adoption of the annual ECOSOC humanitarian resolution, three High-Level Interactive Panels, and twenty-three side-events. A Transition Event that links discussions between the ECOSOC Operational Activities for Development Segment and the HAS also took place before the opening of the Segment.