Please visit ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment 2012
Since the landmark General Assembly resolution 46/182, the international humanitarian system has grown and evolved tremendously. The humanitarian caseload has increased due to new and protracted complex emergencies, natural disasters occur with more frequency and intensity, and global challenges increase vulnerability and create new or exacerbate existing humanitarian needs. In addition the operating environment for humanitarian actors has also become increasingly complex.
ECOSOC provides a unique opportunity for Member States to address such challenges and support operational and normative progress on the humanitarian policy agenda. For instance, since 1998, the Humanitarian Affairs Segment provides an important forum for discussing the activities and issues related to strengthening the coordination of the humanitarian assistance of the United Nations. This forum that enables Member States to engage with the UN and non-UN humanitarian and development community, the private sector and other actors from a range of geographic groups on current humanitarian challenges.
This year’s Segment will take place from 18 to 20 July 2012 in New York and include two high-level panel discussions on two operational challenges for humanitarian coordination and assistance. In the margins, many interesting side-events will provide Member State with up to date information on current humanitarian issues, initiatives and challenges as highlighted by humanitarian partners.
The annual, informal ECOSOC event on the transition from relief to development also constitutes an important opportunity to discuss the issues of transition and early recovery.
Strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations - Report of the Secretary-General (E/2012/77)