The Mali symposium marked the first milestone in preparing for the 2012 DCF. It is taking place when prospects for global economic recovery remain uncertain, and the world’s poorest citizens continue to suffer from delays in reaching the MDGs. The global economic crisis is dramatically reducing commitments by OECD donors, and leading them to stress the need for greater results from aid. However, sustainable results can be achieved only through developing country leadership, and mutual accountability between donors and developing countries - so that both sides are fully held to account for the results of aid.
The Mali Symposium provided high-level participants and practitioners from all stakeholder groups an opportunity to debate how to scale up tested solutions to improve development results by improving the quality of aid, through interactive dialogue among and within different groups.
Results of the Mali Symposium
The symposium discussed the following questions which have resulted in a number of conclusions...:
- how best aid can achieve development results in a cost-effective manner and how this should be measured;
- how broad-based country ownership can best ensure that these results are sustainable in different country contexts;
- proposals for a development cooperation accountability framework between LDCs and their donors, in light of planned monitoring and follow-up to LDC-IV;
- proposals for improving country-level mutual accountability between developing countries, donors and stakeholders;
- measures to enhance accountability for development results produced by aid to education.
Report of the Mali High-level Symposium (pending government agreement)
The ECOSOC President summarized the main conclusions in his closing statement. The summary of the event, which will be posted here in the coming weeks, will provide a more detailed account of the main findings and key messages.
Background documentation ...
- Program (English – French)
- Logistical information (English – French)
- List of registered participants (English)
- One-Page Background Note (English – French)
- Aide Memoire (English – French)
- Questions for breakout groups (English)
- Background study on LDCs (English – French Executive Summary)
- Background document on mutual accountability (English - shorter version in French)
Opening Statements
- Expectations for the Mali Symposium: Mr. Nikhil Seth, Director, Office of ECOSOC Support and Coordination [English]
- Expectations for the Development Cooperation Forum in 2012: H.E. Mr. Lazarous Kapambwe, President of the Economic and Social Council [English]
- Official Opening: H.E. Mme le Ministre d’Education, Mali [French]
The symposium featured a number of presentations to facilitate discussions. Below please find presentations and written statements submitted:
Session 1: Delivering results from development cooperation
Panel 1 Getting and demonstrating results from development cooperation
- Moderator: Sigrid Kaag, Assistant Administrator, Director Partnership Bureau, UNDP
- Joan Atherton, Senior Advisor for Aid Effectiveness, USAID (briefer)
- Cao Manh Cuong, Deputy Director General, Foreign Economic Relations Department, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Vietnam
- Tony Tujan Jr. International Director, IBON and Better Aid
Panel 2 Ownership and inclusiveness for greater impact and sustainability
- Moderator: Hon. Patrick Moriau, MP, Deputy Mayor and President of the Belgian Fund for Food Security
- H.E. Mr. Francis T. Karpeh, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Finance, Liberia
- Alimatour Zongo, Chef de service de suivi de l’efficacite de l’aide, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Burkina Faso
- Emile Nimpaye, Secrétariat Permanent du Comite National de Coordination des Aides Burundi
- Samuel Zan Akologo, Ghana Aid Effectiveness Platform
Working lunch: Mali’s experience with the Paris Declaration, Aid Coordination and UN Reform”
- Mamadou Dembelé, President, Aid Harmonization Secretariat (SHA), Mali
- Louis Verret, Head of Canadian Development Cooperation Agency in Mali
Session 2: Accountable development cooperation in Least Developed Countries (LDCs): Promoting better development results and impact
- Matthew Martin, Director, Development Finance International
- H. E. Olivier Kamitatu Etsu, Minister of Planning, DRC
- Stephen Groff, Deputy Director, Development Co-operation Directorate, OECD
- Patrick Guillaumont, FERDI
Session 3: Accountability for results: national and sectoral challenges
Panel 1 What works and what does not at country level and why?
- Moderator: Nikhil Seth, Director, OESC-UNDESA
- Longinus Kyaruzi Rutasitara, Cluster A Chair Advisor, Ministry of Finance, United Republic of Tanzania
- Gengezi Mgidlana, Special Advisor to the CEO, Director Strategy and Knowledge Management Directorate, NEPAD
- Timothy Lubanga, Assistant Commissioner for Monitoring and Evaluation, Office of the Prime Minister, Uganda
Panel 2 Strengthened accountability for better results in education
- Moderator: Marko Laine, Deputy Director, Department for Development Policy, Unit for Sectoral Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of Education, Mali
- Charles Aheto-Tsegah, Deputy Director-General, Ghana Education Service
- Lavina Banduah, Transparency International, Sierra Leone (formerly National Accountibility Group)
Closing Statement
- H.E. Mr. Lazarous Kapambwe, President of the Economic and Social Council
- H.E. Sidiki N’Fa Konate, Minister of Communication and Spokesperson of the Government