Trends in development cooperation: South-South and triangular cooperation and aid effectiveness – DCF Cairo High-level Symposium

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Date: - Location: Cairo, Egypt

Focus of Cairo HLS

The Cairo High-level Symposium, organized in cooperation with the Government of Egypt, took place on 19-20 January 2008.

Focusing on recent examples of how countries partner up to ensure an impact of development cooperation based on national priorities, the one-and-a-half day symposium included three sessions with country-based case studies, panel discussions and interactive dialogue, addressing the following topics: (i) the future of conditionality, including recent experiences with outcome-based conditionality, (ii) examples of successful South-South and triangular development cooperation, and (iii) the possibility of rethinking the current framework for assessing aid quality, including aid effectiveness, based on principles such as national leadership and mutual accountability.


As a major preparatory event for the 2008 DCF, the discussions solicited views of all stakeholders with regard to current experiences and future expectations of partnerships in selected areas of development cooperation. The discussions were captured in a report of the Cairo meeting, including key policy messages, which served to inform the consultative process and analytical preparations for the 2008 DCF.

Background documentation

For more details on the symposium, please refer to the following documentation:

Opening Statements

  • Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Egypt [Arabic]
  • Leo Merores, President of ECOSOC [English] [French]
  • Asha-Rose Migiro, Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations [English]
  • Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General, UNDESA [English]


The symposium featured a number of presentations to facilitate discussions: