Location: Vienna, Austria
The first high-level symposium, organized in cooperation with the Government of Austria, took place at the United Nations Office in Vienna on 19-20 April 2007. The theme of the Vienna High-level Symposium was “Country-level experiences in coordinating and managing development cooperation”. Organized as a multi-stakeholder event, with the participation of senior individuals in an expert capacity, the symposium used country case studies as a foundation for discussions.
Background documentation
For more details on the background and objectives, please refer to the following documentation:
- Aide Memoire
- Agenda
- Biographies of designated participants
- List of registered participants
- Opening statement by José Antonio Ocampo, USG, UNDESA
- Report of Vienna High-level Symposium
The symposium featured a number of presentations to facilitate discussions:
- National Development Strategies for Development Cooperation - Uganda, Marios Obwona, Economic Policy Research Centre
- Latest Findings on Development Effectiveness, Patrick G. Grasso and Ajay Chhibber, World Bank
- Predictability and Stability of ODA Flows - Viet Nam, Pham Hoang Mai, Ministry of Planning and Investment
- Capacities for Aid Coordination and Management - Rwanda, John Rwangombwa, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
- Building Capacity for Mutual Accountability, Matthew Martin, Debt Relief International
- Performance Assessment Framework for Donors - Mozambique, Carlos Castel-Branco, Eduardo Mondlane University and Institute for Social and Economic Studies
- UN Offices of Funds and Programmes - Cape Verde, Patricia de Mowbray, Resident Coordinator