
What is development cooperation in the SDG era?

In some quarters, the term development cooperation remains almost synonymous with financial aid or, even more narrowly, with ODA (“official development assistance”).

Monitoring, review and accountability for development cooperation to support the 2030 Agenda – Scoping study

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) commissioned this scoping study on “Monitoring, Review and Accountability for Development Cooperation to support implementation…

Report of the Secretary-General on "Trends and progress in international development cooperation" 2014

Trends and progress in international development cooperation - Report of the Secretary-General

Accountable and effective development cooperation: 3rd Global Accountability Survey on national mutual accountability

Mutual Accountability (MA), that is, the accountability between the providers and recipients of development cooperation, is deemed an essential principle and framework for the effectiveness of…

Public aid as a driver for private investment

The Monterrey Consensus stated in 2002 that there is a need to intensify efforts to “promote the use of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to leverage additional financing for development, such as…

Dialogues at the Economic and Social Council 2012

E-Book Description:This publication presents the key debates that took place during the 2012 High-level Segment of the Economic and Social Council, at which ECOSOC organized its second biennial…

Dialogues at the Economic and Social Council

Download the Digital Magazine for I-PadDownload the full ECOSOC e-book pdf version or each of the sections of the e-book:Foreword by Mr. Sha Zukang, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for…

Partnering with the Philanthropic Community to promote Education For All

Book Description:This book presents the key debates that took place during the Special Event on Philanthropy and the Education For All, at which top executives and philanthropy leaders discussed with…

Engaging Philanthropy to promote Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment

Book Description:This book presents the key debates that took place during the Special Event on Philanthropy to promote Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment, at which top executives and…

Achieving Gender Equality, Women's Empowerment and Strengthening Development Cooperation

Book Description:This publication presents the key debates that took place during the 2010 High-level Segment of the Economic and Social Council, at which ECOSOC organized its second biennial…

Improving Information and Data

In preparation for the 2010 Development Cooperation Forum, one of the thematic areas on which the DCF is focusing as part of its review of trends in development cooperation, is the strengthening of…

ECOSOC Special Event on Philanthropy and the Global Public Health Agenda

Book Description:This book presents the key debates that took place during the Special Event on Philanthropy and the Global Public Health Agenda, at which top executives and philanthropy leaders…