20th session (19 - 30 April 2021). Theme: Peace, justice and strong institutions: the role of indigenous peoples in implementing Sustainable Development Goal 16.
Report of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues on its twentieth session [E/2021/43]
Resolutions and decisions adopted by the Council at the 2021 Management Segment as recommended by the Permanent Forum on its 20th session session [E/2021/43, chap. I, sect. A; and E/2021/SR.9] 19(g)
9 June 2021
Decision 2021/235: International expert group meeting on the theme “Indigenous peoples, business, autonomy and the human rights principles of due diligence including free, prior and informed consent (draft decision I)
Decision 2021/236: Venue and dates of the twenty-first session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (draft decision II)
Decision 2021/237: Report of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues on its twentieth session and provisional agenda for its twenty- first session (draft decision III)
Further recommendations adopted by the PFII on its 20th session [E/2021/43, chap. I, sect. B):
Discussion on the theme “Peace, justice and strong institutions: the role of indigenous peoples in implementing Sustainable Development Goal 16”
Human rights dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples (item 5 (d))
Follow-up to the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (item 6)
Follow-up to the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples
Dialogues: thematic dialogues (item 5 (f))
Discussion on the six mandated areas of the Permanent Forum (economic and social development, culture, environment, education, health and human rights), with reference to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (item 4)
Dialogues: dialogue with United Nations agencies, funds and programmes (item 5 (c))
Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues, specifically challenges related to pandemics and responses to them (item 7)
Further resources: