The 2015 Partnerships Forum brought together a wide range of stakeholders: from government, the UN system, business, foundations, civil society, and academia, all of whom have a vested interest in shaping an effective, game-changing Post-2015 development agenda.
This year’s Forum took place under the overall framework of the Council’s 2015 annual theme of “Managing the transition from the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals: What it will take”. It focused on two main areas: Firstly, on ways in which multi-stakeholder partnerships can promote human resources for health, including world class medical and nursing schools, and modern medical care, including drug and vaccine treatments, to settings of poverty. Secondly, it brought fresh ideas and new thinking on ways in which multi-stakeholder partnerships can support the implementation of the Post-2015 development agenda, including through lessons-learned from MDG partnerships, opportunities for catalysing new initiatives, and measuring results.
Official Meetings and Other Events
The all-day event featured two interactive multi-stakeholder dialogues. The morning session focused on “Partnerships in support of strengthening health systems: Building resilience to pandemics” and the afternoon session on “Partnerships for the Post-2015 Era: Reality check”. The afternoon session also included a short segment devoted to launching of initiatives in support of the Post-2015 development agenda. Side events, organized by Member States and other stakeholders were organized during the lunchtime period and provided additional opportunities for stakeholder engagement.
- Programme
- Bios
- Statements
- Presidential Statement
- Informal Summary
- Background note
- Long version background note
- Issues Notes
- Issues Note for Dialogue 1: "Partnerships in support of strengthening health systems: Building resilience to pandemics"
- Issues Note for Dialogue 2: "The Role of Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships in Achieving the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Making it Happen"
- Media Centre
- Resources