The 2020 ECOSOC operational activities for development segment will take place through a series of virtual meetings from 19 to 22 May and on 27 May 2020, under the chairmanship of the Deputy Permanent Representative of Mexico, as ECOSOC Vice-President.
The 2020 Operational Activities Segment will review four years of implementation of the guidance given by Member States in General Assembly resolution 71/243 on the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review of UN system operational activities for development (QCPR). It will also review progress in implementing GA resolution 72/279 on the repositioning of the UN development system.
The segment will also generate inputs to the General Assembly regarding the 2020 QCPR, which the General Assembly will conduct in the fall of 2020. The QCPR is the mechanism through which the General Assembly assesses the “effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and impact” of UN operational activities for development and provides direction to UN system work at country-level.
- Vice President’s summary / Key messages emanating from the discussions
- ECOSOC resolution on progress in the implementation of the QCPR
- Programme
- QCPR in 2020
Substantive Documentation
- 2020 Secretary-General’s Report on the implementation of the QCPR
- 2020 SGR Technical Annexes and Notes
- Report of the Chair of the UNSDG on the Development Coordination Office
- General Debate & Session 1:
- Opening remarks by H.E. Ms. Mona Juul, PR of Norway
- Opening statement by H.E. Mr. Juan Sandoval Mendiolea, DPR of Mexico
- Special keynote address by H. E. Mr. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations
- G77; African Group; AOSIS; CANZ; European Union; LDCs; LLDCs; Like-Minded-Group on MICs; Pacific-Islands-Forum; PacificSIDS; Bangladesh; Belarus; Bhutan; China; Colombia; Ecuador; Ethiopia; Ghana; India; Indonesia; Japan; Republic of Korea; Lao People’s Democratic Republic; Morocco; Nigeria; Norway; Paraguay; Turkey; United States
- Session 2:
- Session 3:
- Session 4a
- Session 4b
- Session 5
- Session 6 (Closing)