The joint meeting explored hidden dimensions and dynamics of poverty and their policy implications. Participants discussed lessons from innovative policies to eradicate poverty in its multiple dimensions and how they could be applied amidst the ongoing multiple crises. Discussions at the meeting informed the work of the Second Committee on its various agenda items and resolutions. They also contributed to the annual observance of International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (17 October).
United Nations Member States and Observers, as well as guest speakers from academia and civil society, participated in the meeting.
Brief opening remarks were delivered by the Chair of the Second Committee, who also served as President of the Economic and Social Council. Addresses were given by the Under-Secretary-General of DESA, followed by panel discussions moderated by the Chair. The floor was opened for interventions from Member States. More details were provided in the list of speakers.
Guiding Questions
The panel discussion will aim to:
- Provide insights into hidden dimensions of poverty and barriers to poverty eradication that are often overlooked when interventions, programmes and policies are developed;
- Take stock of the latest analysis and trends in multidimensional poverty; Discuss how these insights can help improve policy eradication policies against the backdrop of the impacts of the pandemic, the food and energy crises, the economic slowdown, the fiscal tightening and the brewing debt sustainability crisis;
- Highlight specific challenges that the most vulnerable countries have been facing in addressing extreme and multidimensional poverty;
- Learn from the experience of countries in dealing with various aspects of poverty; and
- Discuss how international solidarity and reforms of national and international socioeconomic systems can best help developing countries, including countries in special situation, in eradicating poverty.
2022 International Day of Poverty – Dignity For All in Practice