In its resolution 72/305, the General Assembly renamed the Coordination and Management meeting (CMM) of ECOSOC as the Management Segment. The Management Segment is integral to ECOSOC’s coordinating role at the heart of the UN development system. Held throughout the year, the Council reviews and approves the latest reports from ECOSOC subsidiary and expert bodies in economic, social, environmental and related fields. These reports become the repository of the Council’s expertise on a wide range of issues from drugs and crime to geospatial information.
These discussions and decisions help the UN development system effectively collaborate on longstanding and emerging issues, particularly those that are complex and demand a well-orchestrated response.
The process is essential to the UN system delivering the greatest value to the countries it supports around the world. At times, meetings consider special country situations or regional topics calling for concerted focus. Interactive panel discussions elaborate major issues.
Participants include representatives from UN Member States; ECOSOC substantive and regional commissions, and expert bodies; and UN development agencies, funds and programmes.