The 2019 ECOSOC operational activities for development segment will take place from 21 – 23 May 2019 at UN Headquarters in New York. The segment will look at key elements of the response to the 2016 General Assembly resolution on the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review and the 2018 General Assembly resolution on repositioning the UN development system.
- Summary / Key messages emanating from deliberations
- Programme
- Substantive documentation
- 2019 Secretary-General’s Report & Addenda on the implementation of the QCPR (A/74/73-E/2019/4) - final, edited version
- 2019 Secretary-General’s Report on the implementation of the QCPR - advance unedited
- SGR 2019 Technical Annexes
- Report of the Chair of the UNSDG on the Development Coordination Office
- Report of the Chair of the UNSDG on the Development Coordination Office [Advance unedited]
- Reference document: Annotated outline of the System-wide Strategic Document
- Additional documentation
- Regional analysis
- The final draft of the MCO review report
- 2016 General Assembly resolution on the QCPR (A/RES/71/243)
- 2018 General Assembly resolution on repositioning (A/RES/72/279)
- Biographies of the participants
- Session IV: What has changed on the ground since the early days of the reform?
- Session V: Getting the regional architecture right: A Round-Table on the way forward
- Session VI: Multi-County Office Review
- Session VII: Dialogue with Executive Heads of the UN development system on Joint Results
- Session VIII: Enabling the shift: The Funding Compact
- Session IX: Aligning System-Wide and Entity-Level Governance for Better Accountability
- Statements and Presentations (forthcoming below)
- Day 1: Session I
- Day 1: Session II
- Day 1: Session II
- Day 1: Statements from general debate (as published in UN papersmart)
- Day 2: Session V
- Day 2: Session VI (forthcoming)
- Day 2: Statements from general debate (as published in UN papersmart)
- Afghanistan
- Cambodia
- Ecuador
- State of Palestine, on behalf of the Group of 77 and China
- Malawi, on behalf of the Least Developed Countries
- Moldova
- Namibia
- New Zealand, on behalf of Australia, Canada and New Zealand
- Norway
- Russian Federation
- Pakistan
- Paraguay, on behalf of Land-Locked Developing Countries
- Philippines
- Romania, on behalf of the European Union
- Samoa, on behalf of Pacific Islands Forum Group
- South Africa
- Switzerland
- Day 3: Session VII
- Day 3: Session VIII
- Day 3: Session IX (forthcoming)
- Day 3: Closing Session
- Day 3: Statements from general debate (as published in UN papersmart)